Thursday, October 27, 2011

The One About Books

I love books.  All books.  Contemporary Christian is probably my favorite genre, but I don't limit myself to that.  I read mysteries.  I read books on the "banned" list because I believe in freedom of speech and expression.  I read romances.  I read everything that looks interesting to me.

I belong to several book clubs on the Goodreads website, and I belong to a book club made up of friends and family members.  Right now I'm reading "Water for Elephants" for one of the book clubs.  I have a stack of to be read books about a mile high.  "The Kitchen House" is next on my reading list for one of my book clubs.

I like having my mind broadened and expanded.  I like being taken to different states, cities, countries.  My perfect vacation is going somewhere warm, where I can lay on a beach with a stack of books and just revel in the moment while being taken away at the same time.

Sometimes the books I read have questionable language or sex scenes in them.  I'm not so much into that sort of thing, but when I think about the fact that my favorite book of all time, The Bible, also has rape, sex, murder, adultery, and you name it, I can overlook an awful lot.  There's nothing new under the sun.  I don't, however, get into the graphic descriptions and just skip over that until I get back to the story at hand.

But, yes, The Bible is my favorite book.  It has a little bit of everything inside it, all while being the guide for life, teaching spiritual truths that cannot be refuted.  I love it.  I don't read it enough, in my estimation, but I'm changing that, slowly but surely, adding reading time into my daily routine.

Right now, I just sort of jump around and open the book, seeing where the Lord leads me.  At the beginning of the year, I'm going to start a year-long study, set up by Holly Wagner in her GodChicks devotional book.  I'm looking forward to it.

So the Bible.  Do you read it?  If not, you should.  You might be pleasantly surprised by it.

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