Monday, October 24, 2011

Bossypants (Book Review)

Title:  Bossypants
Author:  Tina Fey
Pages:  277
Genre:  Non-fiction, autobiography

This is probably going to be one of the shortest book reviews I've ever done.

I wasn't a Tina Fey fan before I read the book and I'm not one after reading it.  In fact, as much as I enjoyed the book for the most part, her vulgarity, I felt was mostly unnecessary and made me think less of her.

She is, however, not very "Hollywood" or even real New Yorker.  She's pretty down to earth, which is something I appreciated about her.  She calls things like she sees them, and in a male dominated career of script writers, Tina is somewhat groundbreaking in her accomplishments.

She offers her advice and opinion on everything from careers, to marriage, to having children, and breast feeding.  Take the opinions for what they're worth.

I wouldn't have chosen to read this book if it weren't for a November book club selection.  As it is, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

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